Students of third grade Apple were inquiring about the interaction between living creatures and their adaptation to the environment so the soil and its layers is very important due to the fact that is the base of all food chains or webs as a producer. Students were inquiring about the layers of the soil in Knotion and after this, made an experiment creating the layers as follows:
First, they used chocolate chips as the bedrock layer; next, they used chocolate pudding for the subsoil; then, the last layer was the topsoil which was made with crushed chocolate Oreo cookies and the grass was made with shredded coconut and vegetable green paint. The last, but not the least, came the gummy worms that helped the soil to be healthier.
The students read the objective of this experiment which was to see how the soil organizes. Afterwards, the hypothesis was analized and the results were a healthy soil with its grass and plants to be enjoyed by primary consumers as these will be enjoyed by secondary consumers, and these last ones by terciary consumers. And life goes on…
The students learned in this Unit 4 of Inquiry, Challenge 2 of Knotion how the interaction healthy soil, worms, grass, plants, decomposers, burrowing insects and animals, different consumers are all an important part of the cycle of life and this delicate balance in nature with our help in many ways, is what keeps life going on.